Business Social Compliance Initiative, also known as, BSCI was founded in 2003 for the development of tools and procedures for European Business Social Compliance Programmes 

The BSCI Certification is designed on the basis of labour standards of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) and other important international regulations, such as the UN Charter for Human Rights and national regulations. 

To maintain and monitor the social standards of the consumer goods in all the supplier countries, BSCI acts as common European platform of retailers, industry, and importing companies. The Business Social Compliance Initiative was officially launched on the 30th of November in 2004. The coordinated efforts of the retail industry in Europe for implementing a standard code of conduct is represented through BSCI. It is voluntary but is there to help improvements in the working conditions in supplier countries. 

As a common European platform of retailers, industry, and importing companies, BSCI acts to maintain and monitor business supply chain. In other words, to ensure that all suppliers are treating workers faily, ethically and legally based on its Code of Conduct that is there to protect the workers’ rights. This includes the ILO Conventions and the social standards of the consumer goods in all the supplier countries. 

For this reason, there are countless suppliers across the developing countries that are interested in obtaining the BSCI certification. In order to also be able to export their products and goods to Europe. 

There are many requirements that need to be prepared and implemented in a development approach: 

  1. Freedom of Association and Right to Collective Bargaining: Establishment of organizations such as corporate associations or workers’ associations and collective bargaining and respect for these rights of employees. 
  2. Fair Wage: Respect the right of workers to receive a fair wage. 
  3. Occupational Health and Safety; To take all necessary measures to assess and eliminate or reduce the risks of corporate work and to provide a healthy and safe working environment. 
  4. Special Protection for Young Workers; It provides special protection to non-adult workers. 
  5. Forced Labour: In no event shall the employee refuse to work outside the consent of the volunteer. 
  6. Ethical Business Conduct: Corruption, tribute, embezzlement or bribery will never be allowed. 
  7. No Discrimination: It offers equal opportunities and does not discriminate or favorise workers. 
  8. Good Working Hours: Regulates the working hours under the relevant/legal laws. 
  9. Non-Child Labour: Does not employ any worker under the legal minimum age. 
  10. Non-Social Security Workers: He / she hires workers on the basis of documented contracts according to labour law. 
  11. Environmental Protection: Takes necessary measures to prevent environmental degradation. 

As a multinational company, Cavron Global has been following the 11-requirements stated above ever since 2015. We do not support any discrimination. Ethnic, religion, gender, skin colour, language, economic status or even political belief should not have an influence on the way people are treated. In or outside the company.  

Our factory in Manado has been audited by the BSCI in November 2020.  We received the results in January 2021, and we are proud to announce that we have received “A”: the perfect scorefor period 2020 – 2022!  

BSCI Audit in Manado Factory

It is an honour for us to get this foolproof score on this audit. Cavron Global hopes to keep improving our products overall quality and our customer service worldwide 

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