As we are in the middle of 2021, the world has yet to fully recover from the pandemic. A lot of restaurants are still closed, and takeaways are encouraged. The interest in barbecues have only grown throughout this doubtful time. People are looking for exciting, fun ways to bring some people together at home.  

While meat such as sausages and burgers are almost always present in any BBQ, eating too much of these products can be harmful for our environment and our health. Instead, people have found out, grilling loads of fresh, colourful vegetables can be just as tasty. Enjoying them with pasta, potatoes, rice or bread can be a super alternative to your usual burger. Besides, eating vegetarian meals a few times a week will not only benefit ones health but also the environment.  Follow the new trend!  

Why Try a Vegetarian BBQ? 

Veganism and vegetarianism have been two of the most popular diets in our recent decade. Now it’s easier than ever to find high-quality, meat-free alternatives in supermarkets worldwide. There are even barbecue foods specifically catered to vegetarians. 

Eating lots of vegetables and limiting your meat intake can be beneficial for your heart health while also reducing the risk of cancer. Additionally, pop culture is popularizing this trend again as celebrities and high-profile figures promote their plant-based diet. 

Foods for a Vegetarian BBQ 

When it comes to a meatless BBQ menu, the options can be more varied than most people think. For example, grilled vegetables like carrots, corn, bell pepper, and onions. You can also try adding broccolis, mushrooms, and courgettes. 

Shiitake mushrooms can be just as indulging as bacon, while radishes have a surprisingly delicious taste when grilled. Not to mention the latest trend of grilling watermelon! 

Veggies are not the only thing you can have in a vegetarian BBQ. There are now plenty of plant-based meat that tastes just as delicious.  

People have been smoking and grilling veggies for many years, but these ingredients are finally moving from the shadows to the spotlight. For sure, it’s a trend that will stick around for decades to come. So, are you ready to try a vegetarian BBQ? 


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